Lasting Change Beyond New Year’s

Carolin Stoffels
2 min readDec 14, 2020

A lot of people make New Year’s resolutions. Even if you’re not a resolutions type you still might catch yourself thinking of what you want to change in 2021.

Last week, two researchers from Sweden published a study that looked at New Year’s resolutions. They wanted to understand what makes people more likely to be successful at sticking to them. They set out to learn more about:

  1. What kind of resolutions do people make?
  2. Do different resolutions reach different levels of success?
  3. … and if it is possible to increase the likelihood of a resolution’s success by providing information and exercises on effective goal setting

They looked at more than 1000 people and divided them into 3 groups. The groups were different in the way they were supported. Two of those groups received information on goal setting. The amount of check-ins was different. And, there was a difference regarding the presence of an additional person, who helped them to stick to their resolution.

I think it’s not only interesting what kind of resolutions people make:

The study also confirmed that those who had support while trying to achieve their goals were more likely to accomplish them. What surprised the team most though was that those with approach-oriented goals were significantly more successful in sustaining their resolutions compared to those with avoidance-oriented goals. This means, your likelihood of success is already impacted by the way you are formulating your goal. So, when you make your plan, try to keep in mind:

  1. What do you plan to do more? i.e. instead of saying you will eat less sweets, you raise your chance at success by switching to: I will eat more fruits and vegetables
  2. Who do you want to become? i.e. instead of thinking you will be less stressed, try: I will be more mindful and aware of my thoughts… etc.

How do you set your goals? And who’s helping you to stay on track?

If you need support, try our Habit Partners Program @freedomxx. There is a money-back-guarantee in case you are not satisfied after the first (online) meeting.



Carolin Stoffels

Thoughts, ideas, and stuff to try to be calm and in control • • DeSo • mom • bureaucracy fighter from Germany • English + German